If Cyberfrog Design has set up Google Analytics on your website, please follow these instructions for logging in and viewing your website stats:

  1. The this link to go to Google Analytics

  2. Sign in using the Google login details which will be a Google email address and a password. (We may have set one up for you or you may have provided an existing one to us for the purposes of setting up Google Analytics on your website.)

  3. You should then see a screen that looks similar to this:

  4. Click 'All Web Site Data'. (NOTE: Sometimes, your domain name, e.g. www.mywebsite.com, may be there instead of 'All Web Ste Data'. Click that instead.)

  5. You will then be taken to the main Google Analytics dashboard which will look something like this:

    All the analytics tools are in the left sidebar. There are too many to list here but we advise having a click around to get the geography as Google Analytics will provide you with pretty much any information you care to know about user interaction with your site, how it is being used, from where and for how long.

  6. For further help and guidance about specific Google Analytics tools visit the Analytics Help Center.